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There are 3 methods to enter genotyping information:

  1. New information during weaning
  2. New information after weaning on the manage genotypes page
  3. New or existing information on the mouse page

Click on image for a more detailed view.

1. Genotyping on the Weaning Page

When assigning mice to cages, there is an option to show the genotyping options. You will be able to select the assay and result date for each mouse and allele. There is also an option to update the expressed mouseline based on the entered genotyping information and mouselines from the animal protocol.

Where to Find this Feature: Wean Cages > Step 2. Assign Mice to Cages

Click on image for a more detailed view.

2. Genotyping on the Manage Genotyping Page

If you forget to enter the genotyping information during weaning or need to do it afterwards, you may still do so from the View Cage page > Manage Genotypes action. This allows you to enter the genotyping fields and comments. It also shows any existing genotype for a given mouse and allele, so you can decide whether to keep the existing genotyping information or overwrite with a new entry.

Where to Find this Feature: View Cage > Manage Genotypes action

Click on image for a more detailed view.

3. Updating Genotyping on the View Mouse Page

Sometimes you may need to re-genotype one or two mice and update their genotyping information. The View Mouse page provides you with the flexibility to edit existing entries or add new ones. It shows a complete list of active or inactive entries, which could be useful for viewing historical data. Note that there should be only one active genotyping entry at a time.

Where to Find this Feature: View Mouse > Genotyping section

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