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Hazardous Agents Form

The Hazardous Agents Form must be submitted and approved before you can use the agents on your AUP. The form contains all of the information that the Safety Manager requires to ensure that the agents are stored, administered, and disposed of safely.

Creating the HAF

Go to AUPs > ACC Documents > Hazardous Agent Form (HAF)

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 1: AUP Details

Select the principal investigator, contact person for this form, and AUP.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 2a: Chemical Agents

If the the work at TCP involves chemical or pharmaceutical agents, select Yes. The panel will expand and you have the option of adding a new or existing agent.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 2b: Add an Existing Chemical Agent

Select Add Existing and search for agent you want to use. You can search by name or CAS Number. If you find the agent, click on the Add to HAF link. If you have multiple existing agents that need to be added to the AUP you can add them all at the same time. When you are done, click the Close button at the top left of the page.

Step 2c: Add a New Chemical Agent

If the agent you want to use is not in the LIMS system already, click the Add New button.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 2d: Enter the Required Information for Chemical Agents

Enter the required information (denoted by a red asterisk). If an existing agent was selected, some fields will be pre-populated and not editable.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 3a: Biological Agents

If the the work at TCP involves biological agents, select Yes. The panel will expand and you have the option of adding a new or existing agent.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 3b: Add an Existing Biological Agent

Select Add Existing and search for agent you want to use. You can search by name or CAS Number. If you find the agent, click on the Add to HAF link. If you have multiple existing agents that need to be added to the AUP you can add them all at the same time. When you are done, click the Close button at the top left of the page.

Step 3c: Add a New Biological Agent

If the agent you want to use is not in the LIMS system already, click the Add New button.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 3d: Enter the Required Information for Biological Agents

Enter the required information (denoted by a red asterisk). If an existing agent was selected, some fields will be pre-populated and not editable.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 4a: Radioactive Agents

If the the work at TCP involves radioactive agents, select Yes. The panel will expand and you have the option of adding a new or existing agent.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 4b: Add an Existing Radioactive Agent

Select Add Existing and search for agent you want to use. You can search by name. If you find the agent, click on the Add to HAF link. If you have multiple existing agents that need to be added to the AUP you can add them all at the same time. When you are done, click the Close button at the top left of the page.

Step 4c: Add a New Radioactive Agent

If the agent you want to use is not in the LIMS system already, click the Add New button.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 4d: Enter the Required Information for Radioactive Agents

Enter the required information (denoted by a red asterisk). If an existing agent was selected, some fields will be pre-populated and not editable.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 5: Additional Comments

Enter any additonal comments that you think would be helpful for the safety officer.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Step 6: Save the Form

Click the Save Draft button to save the form. You can do this after each agent is added. The form will not be submitted until you click the Submit button.

Submitting the HAF

Click on the Submit button to submit the HAF for review. The contact person and ACC Co-ordinator will be notified that the form was submitted.

Reviewing the HAF (for TCP Staff only)

To view the HAF, navigate to View AUP > ACC Submissions or AUPs > Pending ACC Submissions and click on the view link for the form.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Add Review Comments

Enter any comments in the Administation > Admin Comments section.

Notify Contact that Revisions are Required

When all of the comments are entered, click the Notify Revisions Required button. The contact person will be notified that changes to the form are required before it can be approved.

Responding to Review Comments

To view the HAF, navigate to View AUP > ACC Submissions or Regulations > Pending ACC Submissions and click on the view link for the form.

Update HAF Based on Review Comments

Based on the comments in the Administation > Admin Comments section, update the form.

Re-submit HAF

When all of the revisions are entered, click the Re-Submit button. The contact person and ACC Co-ordinator will be notified that the form was re-submitted.

Approval and AUP Updates (for TCP Staff only)

Once the HAF has been approved and the HARF has been sent to the AUP's principal investigator, the AUP can be updated with the hazardous agents.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Add New Agents to LIMS

If there are any hazardous agents specified on the form that are not currently in LIMS, click on the Create button for the agent. The hazardous agent will be created in LIMS along with the corresponding SDS (if applicable).

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Verify New Agents

Click on the link for the new agent and add any corresponding SOPs.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Replace New Agents with Agents that are Already in LIMS

If there are any new hazardous agents specified on the form that are already in LIMS, click on the Replace button and select the existing agent that the lab should be using.

Approve the HAF

Click the Approve button in the Administration section. The contact person and ACC Co-ordinator will be notified that the form was approved.

Update the AUP

Click the Update AUP button to add the agents to the AUP.

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Add the HARF to the AUP

Navigate the to AUP's Hazardous Agents tab and attach the HARF.

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