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Service Requests

The service request pages in LIMS allows users to create easily submit and manage requests.

Features You Know and Love

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Save Draft


On selected service requests, there is a 'Save Draft' button that allows you to save incomplete requests and return to it later to complete. This is especially useful for long, detailed requests that you may be unable to complete in one session or require further information that you may not have on hand. You can find these draft requests in the Request Search with the 'Draft' status. When all the required fields have been filled for a draft request, the form can then be submitted.

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Billing Selection


In the Billing section, you will be able to select among the billing persons listed on your selected AUP. If you are selecting from a service AUP instead of your lab's AUP, the billing lookup will be filtered to your lab investigator. Request administrators will be able to see the entries for all investigators. The billing information may also include the external cost centre and purchase order number (PO). If you cannot find the required billing information in the billing lookup, you may create a new entry by clicking on the Edit Billing button. This will allow you to add a new external cost centre. Lab members who need to use a new PO number must contact the service coordinator. The billing information can be edited even after it has been saved and submitted, as long as it is only being used on the current request.

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Easy Cage Entry

Entering cage barcodes or mouse eartags by hand can be tedious, especially when you need to enter a lot of them. Using the new Hold Cages and Mice system, you can enter cage and mouse information into a service request much more easily. You can select cages from the cage search page or from viewing an individual cage, then press the "Import Cages" or "Import Mice" buttons on any service request involving cages or mice. Once the cages are displayed, you can select or un-select the mice within the cage. These cages will be visible to the technician receiving the request, and they will be able to navigate to the cage view page directly from that request. LIMS makes service requests quick and easy.

Held cages and mice can even be used to submit multiple service requests, or held until logout for other purposes.

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Detailed Request Searching

Finding particular service requests amongst all of the existing ones can be challenging. Staff and Managers have the ability to search for any submitted requests containing particular values in any of the form fields. This will save valuable technician time, allowing them to focus on the task at hand rather than looking for information in LIMS.

Where to Find this Feature: Service Requests > Request Search

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Associated Tasks

A system has been implemented to track individual tasks associated with service requests. For each request, tasks can be created by the manager and assigned to individual technicians. Technicians will then be able to schedule and complete tasks, while the manager can monitor the request's progress towards completion. The end result is an automated, efficient means for scheduling and tracking partially completed requests, particularly ones that involve multiple people co-operating.

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Request Administration

When a request is submitted, an email is sent to the person assigned to that request. Sometimes, that person goes on vacation and someone else needs to be notified. The default assignee for a request can be changed here.

Where to Find this Feature: Service Requests > Manage Service Requests > Request Forms

Click on image for a more detailed view.

Request Management

This page is for request managers. Using this page, you can approve and assign multiple requests to a technician with a few clicks instead of assigning each request individually.

Where to Find this Feature: Service Requests > Manage Service Requests > Request Status

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